In memory of my sweet baby girl, Daisy… also known as Daisy, the California brown dog… and “Daisy Dukes” or “Dukes” for short…
On Memorial Day in 2013, I was rescued by the cutest little boxer mix, originally named “Rootbeer”. She was the creamy brown color of root beer, with white markings, including white socks and the tip of her tail (which she loved to chase after around and around in a circle). From the moment I saw this bouncing puppy, I knew I loved her… and she loved me! She came jumping right up to me with all the energy of the cutest 8-week old pup, and I knew this was the one for me! She quickly adapted to her new family, who included Faye Kitty (who she adored till her passing, then mourned the loss of her kitty sister).
In the short 6 ½ years here on earth, Daisy was my #1 personal trainer, as she and I hiked and walked literally thousands of miles of hills together, in Carlsbad, CA. Not only did she give me a new found physically healthy lifestyle, she also brought so any wonderful people into my life, as we would meet so many people walking our neighborhood and neighborhoods nearby. Everybody wanted to see and pet this dog, with the most beautiful brown eyes that were outlined with permanent eyeliner! She was loved by so many humans, fellow doggy friends and even a few feline friends, too!
She was quick to make friends, both human and 4 legged alike. She had her favorites… There was Murphy the yellow lab (her first love), Chase the German Shepherd/Husky mix (her forever true love!), Baily the little black poodle mix (who loved her like her mom), Chuy the little rescued Chihuahua doxie mix, Pixie the long haired Chihuahua (who she would play down to), Kono and Eto’o, Gabby the beagle, Henry the Welsh Corgie, Bob the cat, Gunther kitty, and many others.
Her favorite place and activity, running free on dog beach in Del Mar, CA. There she would run around with her orange ball in her mouth, teasing other dogs to join in and chase her along the shoreline and into the water. A dog’s Disneyland!
Unfortunately, a very rare T-cell Lymphoma took my beautiful Daisy way, way too soon… she was loving to all of her family and friends up to her last day with us… but she lives on in our hearts and golden memories of her.
We love you Daisy! You were one of a kind and will be missed dearly….

Comments 2
I Loved that dog…Daisy as did my dog, Yogi.
Daisy had a wonderful Mom